Last updated: August 15, 2022

Dtravel Guide Program

The Dtravel community wants you! Active community members now have a chance to join as a community moderator.

We call these moderators Dtravel Community Guides because they help guide new and existing members to success, in the same way that a travel guide helps travellers get the experience they’re looking for when they are in a new place.

The Dtravel Community Guide Program is a volunteer program that allows passionate community members to get involved and help shape the Dtravel community. Moderators are the life blood of a community and we can’t wait for our Community Guides to use their enthusiasm and experience to help Dtravel community members succeed and to help grow the community.

Why apply for the Dtravel Community Guide Program?

👐  Help shape the community into what you want to see

🎓 Get experience as a moderator that you can use if you’re looking to become a community manager

💡 Be the first to know about news and updates

😎  Meet other like-minded people in the community and form long lasting friendships

✍️  Provide feedback and input on Dtravel initiatives

🤝🏽 Get to know the Dtravel team and work closely with the marketing and community team

<aside> ⭐ Apply now -


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How the Application Process Works

  1. Apply using the typeform here

  2. We’ll review applications on an-ongoing basis and successful applicants will be contacted

  3. We’ll provide training and a moderator guide so you know what’s expected and how to be successful